Our general membership meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month at 1pm (1300 hrs.) Talk-in is available on the 147.120+ MHz and 145.36- repeaters both with a CTCSS tone of 131.8.
While we encourage membership in the club, visitors are always welcome. If you aren't a ham yet but are interested in becoming one, many members are willing to assist you in getting your amateur radio license. In fact, if you aren't yet really interested, but want to know more about our operations and fun, just drop by and say hello! Want to try operating? You may! You just have to be with one of the club's licensed operators! We have several times during the year and we enjoy having non-licensed personnel operate the station and make contacts, at times around the world! It's fun, and it's free!!!
The club has a full-featured HF, VHF, UHF remote-base ham station, operated from your computer anywhere in the world, is available to all club members.
The Satellite Amateur Radio Club held a Special Event to celebrate OSCAR 1's 40th anniversary on December 8th, and it was a great success. We all had fun, and even got to talk to some of the original hams involved with OSCAR-1 and the spacecraft that lofted it into orbit. We sent out a beautiful QSL card done just for the occasion by the local artist, James Williams. Mr. Williams did our earlier OSCAR certificate and the Arthur C. Clark certificate, which can be viewed on other pages. He can be contacted through K1JAN for commissioned works and other artistic efforts. He has freely supported SARC and its efforts for a long time, even though he has no ties to the ham community other than his selfless help and support.